Thursday, December 13, 2007

I'm a Man

A short time ago, a friend of mine revealed to me that she had developed an obsession with Traffic. "His voice gives me the chills," she said, referring to Steve Winwood. It was a sentiment I certainly could understand. While I cannot say I'm currently under the spell of Mr. Fantasy, as it were, I've definitely gone through my phases in the past. There was a brief period a while ago during which "Freedom Rider" was my jam - along with the rest of John Barleycorn Must Die, for good measure.

Nowadays, Traffic takes a back seat to my preferred Winwood outfit, Blind Faith. I told my friend that if she loved Winwood's voice so much, she should check out their self-titled record. However, I failed to recommend my favorite Steve Winwood performance of all: "I'm a Man" by the Spencer Davis Group. Come to think of it, it's one of my favorite tracks in general...

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