Wednesday, January 9, 2008


In the days before college students checked Pitchfork on a daily basis for their "what should I think is cool" cues (for the record: I enjoy reading Pitchfork, but despise individuals who treat it as the online version of the indie Bible), I searched for new music on This was way back around 2001. Among the bands I discovered was Lenola, a group that had apparently been a Philadelphia fixture since the mid-90's. They had just released Treat Me to Some Life, their fourth entry in what would be a five album discography. I somehow tracked down a copy of the record, and was pleasantly surprised. It was a nice amalgamation of influences, the songs were well written, and the vocals were unique enough to keep me interested.

Subsequently, I researched the band's back catalog, hoping to find more of the same good music. A few listens to their older material suggested that the band had evolved - while I certainly didn't dislike any of their previous records, none of them could hold a candle to Treat Me to Some Life. I eagerly anticipated what would be their final album, Sharks and Flames. Again, it was apparent that the band had further evolved - their final album was a sprawling 2-disc affair with (as I recall) more electronic flourishes than their earlier material. I was slightly disappointed - the album was by no means poor, I'm just personally averse to electronics in my rock music. I would have to be content with their magnum opus, Treat Me to Some Life.

Today, the main songwriters from Lenola are in a new band, Like a Fox. They seem to have picked up where Lenola left off, recording succinct pop songs with an increased emphasis on electronics. I can't say I care for the material all too much - certainly not as much as I care for my favorite Lenola release, at least.

Nonetheless, I still listen to Treat Me to Some Life with fair regularity. Below is a video for the first track on the record, "First Floor Killer."

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