Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Captain Beefheart Education

The first time I ever heard Captain Beefheart was when I commandeered my father's old vinyl copy of Frank Zappa's Hot Rats. I was about 12 at the time, and put on the record knowing only "Peaches En Regalia." I was fairly certain that the rest of the record was along the same lines as the track I knew - an instrumental. For the most part, I was correct. The glaring exception was "Willie the Pimp," a track featuring Beefheart on vocals. I remember being in awe of the sheer filth the man could coax out of his vocal cords.

Several years later, I got my hands on a copy of Beefheart's classic, Trout Mask Replica, which I won't even attempt to describe. I will say, however, that it kicked my ass in ways that most "normal" records can only dream of. Those of you who are feeling adventurous owe it a listen. It is tremendously rewarding, but requires a significant time investment. And for those of you who prefer your music to be a little less abstract, I suggest a listen to Safe as Milk, Beefheart's first record. It's far far more accessible than its younger brother.

Below are all three parts of an excellent 1997 BBC documentary on the Captain, which I have listed in order from top to bottom.

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